Many people link spirituality with religion, but I think of spirituality as that connection with our inner essence or spirit. For the last five years whilst studying and working I had let this special part of myself fall to the wayside as I just did not have enough time or energy. What following was a deep disconnect with myself and others around me. It is only in recent months that I have reconnected with that inner spark that gives me fire and joy. Spirituality is one of those things that can cause great illness if neglected, yet it is so very rarely questioned about by health practitioners as they may feel uncomfortable around sensitive topics. From my previous experience working in cancer care I could see that spirituality was vital to people's wellness and always encouraged a healthy discussion around their practices that connected them to spirit.
So what is spirituality really?
It is described as a connection to something bigger than ourselves or a search for purpose, direction or meaning of life. It may or may not involve religious traditions, connection to nature, others, art, the self, god or a higher power. Spirituality is something that touches everyone and the experience is usually transcendent, sacred with a greater sense of aliveness or interconnectedness.
So how do you practice spiritual self care?
If you are struggling to feel that connection to something bigger than yourself - find a way to experience awe in your life. Great examples are star gazing, lookouts across mountain ranges, waterfalls, etc. Awe is an experience of something vast that changes our understanding of the world and our place in it.
Loving yourself is a great way to connect with your inner spirit. A great exercise is to stand naked in front of a full length mirror saying affirmations such as: "I love myself" or "I love my body". If this makes you feel uncomfortable you could practice a loving kindness meditation. (Insight timer is my favourite meditation app and has many of these and other meditations).
It is important to understand what spirituality means to you. Sit in silence and think about what you can incorporate into your life to connect to spirit. Some examples could be: a daily prayer, a daily meditation, a daily walk in nature, etc.
If it resonates with you, you could set up an altar in your home dedicated to your spiritual practice. For this you need a table, altar cloth, statues (if applicable), candles, bells, and whatever objects are sacred to you such as crystals, incense, photos, plants, essential oils, etc. This is a great reminder to spend time each day in your spiritual practice.
Hope this post assists you all to connect with your inner and outer spirit and find balance in these chaotic times.
Love and light,