EFT Tapping: Benefits and How to Tap 🌟✨

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as "tapping," is a simple yet powerful practice to help release stuck emotions and reduce stress.
Here's a quick guide on how to tap and the benefits it offers:
Benefits of EFT Tapping:
Reduces anxiety and stress
Helps release negative emotions and traumas
Improves sleep quality
Enhances overall emotional well-being
Promotes relaxation and calmness
How to Tap:
Identify the issue: Focus on a specific problem or feeling you want to address.
Rate the intensity: On a scale from 0 to 10, rate the intensity of the issue.
Set up statement (while tapping on the side of the hand): Create a phrase acknowledging the problem and stating acceptance (e.g., "Even though I feel stressed, I deeply and completely accept myself").
Tapping sequence:
Use your fingertips to gently tap on the following points while focussing on the stress you feel, on the next round through the points explore what is causing the stress, then in the last round focus on bringing in peace and calm:
Top of the head
Side of the eye
Under the eye
Under the nose
Under the arm
Repeat the process until you feel a reduction in the intensity of the issue.
Tapping App to Explore:
Tapping Solution: A user-friendly app with guided sessions to help you tap through various issues such as stress, anxiety, and more.
Give EFT tapping a try and experience the emotional freedom it can bring! 🌿